Lincoln Leather Oil
Check if we ship to your country, HERE
We currently ship to 16 countries. For other countries send us an email to quote your shipping
We currently ship to 16 countries. For other countries send us an email to quote your shipping
Secure payment
We guarantee TOTAL security in the purchasing process
We guarantee TOTAL security in the purchasing process
Shipping and returns
Peninsula Shipping 6€ (free from 90€). Outside Peninsula, check HERE the shipping cost.
Peninsula Shipping 6€ (free from 90€). Outside Peninsula, check HERE the shipping cost.
Do you have any questions?
Contact us and we will assist you
Contact us and we will assist you
Aceite con alto contenido de lanolina, que ayuda a la impermeabilización permi-tiendo una fácil limpieza del barro, sudor del caballo y otras impurezas que se encuentren sobre el cuero. Protege el cuero nuevo y regenera el usado. |Presentación: envase 1 litro.