Whips for driving and riding arena

Whips for driving and riding arena

Specialized store in the sale of whips for driving and riding arena

The whip for driving, also called the whip for the riding arena, natural horsemanship whip, or longe whip, is the longest of all, measuring between 150 and 230cm, as distance is needed between the rider and the horse when working the animal in the arena. It has a rigid body and features a lash or a whip, which are often connected with a swivel. There is a special size called telescopic, which can exceed 3 meters in length.

We can help you find the driving or riding arena whip you are looking for. We are a team of equestrian specialists at your disposal, so if you have any questions or concerns, count on us to help you choose from our natural horsemanship or longe whips.